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# coding: utf8
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
import six
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm

from .dataset import Dataset
from .pipeline import Pipeline
from .utils import get_tokenizer, dtype_to_attr, is_tokenizer_serializable
from ..vocab import Vocab, SubwordVocab

[docs]class RawField(object): """ Defines a general datatype. Every dataset consists of one or more types of data. For instance, a text classification dataset contains sentences and their classes, while a machine translation dataset contains paired examples of text in two languages. Each of these types of data is represented by a RawField object. A RawField object does not assume any property of the data type and it holds parameters relating to how a datatype should be processed. Attributes: preprocessing: The Pipeline that will be applied to examples using this field before creating an example. Default: None. postprocessing: A Pipeline that will be applied to a list of examples using this field before assigning to a batch. Function signature: (batch(list)) -> object Default: None. is_target: Whether this field is a target variable. Affects iteration over batches. Default: False """
[docs] def __init__(self, preprocessing=None, postprocessing=None, is_target=False): self.preprocessing = preprocessing self.postprocessing = postprocessing self.is_target = is_target
[docs] def preprocess(self, x): """ Preprocess an example if the `preprocessing` Pipeline is provided. """ if self.preprocessing is not None: return self.preprocessing(x) else: return x
[docs] def process(self, batch, *args, **kwargs): """ Process a list of examples to create a batch. Postprocess the batch with user-provided Pipeline. Args: batch (list(object)): A list of object from a batch of examples. Returns: object: Processed object given the input and custom postprocessing Pipeline. """ if self.postprocessing is not None: batch = self.postprocessing(batch) return batch
[docs]class Field(RawField): """Defines a datatype together with instructions for converting to Tensor. Field class models common text processing datatypes that can be represented by tensors. It holds a Vocab object that defines the set of possible values for elements of the field and their corresponding numerical representations. The Field object also holds other parameters relating to how a datatype should be numericalized, such as a tokenization method and the kind of Tensor that should be produced. If a Field is shared between two columns in a dataset (e.g., question and answer in a QA dataset), then they will have a shared vocabulary. Attributes: sequential: Whether the datatype represents sequential data. If False, no tokenization is applied. Default: True. use_vocab: Whether to use a Vocab object. If False, the data in this field should already be numerical. Default: True. init_token: A token that will be prepended to every example using this field, or None for no initial token. Default: None. eos_token: A token that will be appended to every example using this field, or None for no end-of-sentence token. Default: None. fix_length: A fixed length that all examples using this field will be padded to, or None for flexible sequence lengths. Default: None. dtype: The torch.dtype class that represents a batch of examples of this kind of data. Default: torch.long. preprocessing: The Pipeline that will be applied to examples using this field after tokenizing but before numericalizing. Many Datasets replace this attribute with a custom preprocessor. Default: None. postprocessing: A Pipeline that will be applied to examples using this field after numericalizing but before the numbers are turned into a Tensor. The pipeline function takes the batch as a list, and the field's Vocab. Default: None. lower: Whether to lowercase the text in this field. Default: False. tokenize: The function used to tokenize strings using this field into sequential examples. If "spacy", the SpaCy tokenizer is used. If a non-serializable function is passed as an argument, the field will not be able to be serialized. Default: string.split. tokenizer_language: The language of the tokenizer to be constructed. Various languages currently supported only in SpaCy. include_lengths: Whether to return a tuple of a padded minibatch and a list containing the lengths of each examples, or just a padded minibatch. Default: False. batch_first: Whether to produce tensors with the batch dimension first. Default: False. pad_token: The string token used as padding. Default: "<pad>". unk_token: The string token used to represent OOV words. Default: "<unk>". pad_first: Do the padding of the sequence at the beginning. Default: False. truncate_first: Do the truncating of the sequence at the beginning. Default: False stop_words: Tokens to discard during the preprocessing step. Default: None is_target: Whether this field is a target variable. Affects iteration over batches. Default: False """ vocab_cls = Vocab # Dictionary mapping PyTorch tensor dtypes to the appropriate Python # numeric type. dtypes = { torch.float32: float, torch.float: float, torch.float64: float, torch.double: float, torch.float16: float, torch.half: float, torch.uint8: int, torch.int8: int, torch.int16: int, torch.short: int, torch.int32: int, int, torch.int64: int, torch.long: int, } ignore = ['dtype', 'tokenize']
[docs] def __init__(self, sequential=True, use_vocab=True, init_token=None, eos_token=None, fix_length=None, dtype=torch.long, preprocessing=None, postprocessing=None, lower=False, tokenize=None, tokenizer_language='en', include_lengths=False, batch_first=False, pad_token="<pad>", unk_token="<unk>", pad_first=False, truncate_first=False, stop_words=None, is_target=False): self.sequential = sequential self.use_vocab = use_vocab self.init_token = init_token self.eos_token = eos_token self.unk_token = unk_token self.fix_length = fix_length self.dtype = dtype self.preprocessing = preprocessing self.postprocessing = postprocessing self.lower = lower # store params to construct tokenizer for serialization # in case the tokenizer isn't picklable (e.g. spacy) self.tokenizer_args = (tokenize, tokenizer_language) self.tokenize = get_tokenizer(tokenize, tokenizer_language) self.include_lengths = include_lengths self.batch_first = batch_first self.pad_token = pad_token if self.sequential else None self.pad_first = pad_first self.truncate_first = truncate_first try: self.stop_words = set(stop_words) if stop_words is not None else None except TypeError: raise ValueError("Stop words must be convertible to a set") self.is_target = is_target
def __getstate__(self): str_type = dtype_to_attr(self.dtype) if is_tokenizer_serializable(*self.tokenizer_args): tokenize = self.tokenize else: # signal to restore in `__setstate__` tokenize = None attrs = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in self.ignore} attrs['dtype'] = str_type attrs['tokenize'] = tokenize return attrs def __setstate__(self, state): state['dtype'] = getattr(torch, state['dtype']) if not state['tokenize']: state['tokenize'] = get_tokenizer(*state['tokenizer_args']) self.__dict__.update(state) def __hash__(self): # we don't expect this to be called often return 42 def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, RawField): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs] def preprocess(self, x): """Load a single example using this field, tokenizing if necessary. If the input is a Python 2 `str`, it will be converted to Unicode first. If `sequential=True`, it will be tokenized. Then the input will be optionally lowercased and passed to the user-provided `preprocessing` Pipeline.""" if (six.PY2 and isinstance(x, six.string_types) and not isinstance(x, six.text_type)): x = Pipeline(lambda s: six.text_type(s, encoding='utf-8'))(x) if self.sequential and isinstance(x, six.text_type): x = self.tokenize(x.rstrip('\n')) if self.lower: x = Pipeline(six.text_type.lower)(x) if self.sequential and self.use_vocab and self.stop_words is not None: x = [w for w in x if w not in self.stop_words] if self.preprocessing is not None: return self.preprocessing(x) else: return x
[docs] def process(self, batch, device=None): """ Process a list of examples to create a torch.Tensor. Pad, numericalize, and postprocess a batch and create a tensor. Args: batch (list(object)): A list of object from a batch of examples. Returns: torch.autograd.Variable: Processed object given the input and custom postprocessing Pipeline. """ padded = self.pad(batch) tensor = self.numericalize(padded, device=device) return tensor
[docs] def pad(self, minibatch): """Pad a batch of examples using this field. Pads to self.fix_length if provided, otherwise pads to the length of the longest example in the batch. Prepends self.init_token and appends self.eos_token if those attributes are not None. Returns a tuple of the padded list and a list containing lengths of each example if `self.include_lengths` is `True` and `self.sequential` is `True`, else just returns the padded list. If `self.sequential` is `False`, no padding is applied. """ minibatch = list(minibatch) if not self.sequential: return minibatch if self.fix_length is None: max_len = max(len(x) for x in minibatch) else: max_len = self.fix_length + ( self.init_token, self.eos_token).count(None) - 2 padded, lengths = [], [] for x in minibatch: if self.pad_first: padded.append( [self.pad_token] * max(0, max_len - len(x)) + ([] if self.init_token is None else [self.init_token]) + list(x[-max_len:] if self.truncate_first else x[:max_len]) + ([] if self.eos_token is None else [self.eos_token])) else: padded.append( ([] if self.init_token is None else [self.init_token]) + list(x[-max_len:] if self.truncate_first else x[:max_len]) + ([] if self.eos_token is None else [self.eos_token]) + [self.pad_token] * max(0, max_len - len(x))) lengths.append(len(padded[-1]) - max(0, max_len - len(x))) if self.include_lengths: return (padded, lengths) return padded
[docs] def build_vocab(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct the Vocab object for this field from one or more datasets. Arguments: Positional arguments: Dataset objects or other iterable data sources from which to construct the Vocab object that represents the set of possible values for this field. If a Dataset object is provided, all columns corresponding to this field are used; individual columns can also be provided directly. Remaining keyword arguments: Passed to the constructor of Vocab. """ counter = Counter() sources = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Dataset): sources += [getattr(arg, name) for name, field in arg.fields.items() if field is self] else: sources.append(arg) for data in sources: for x in data: if not self.sequential: x = [x] try: counter.update(x) except TypeError: counter.update(chain.from_iterable(x)) specials = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys( tok for tok in [self.unk_token, self.pad_token, self.init_token, self.eos_token] + kwargs.pop('specials', []) if tok is not None)) self.vocab = self.vocab_cls(counter, specials=specials, **kwargs)
[docs] def numericalize(self, arr, device=None): """Turn a batch of examples that use this field into a Variable. If the field has include_lengths=True, a tensor of lengths will be included in the return value. Arguments: arr (List[List[str]], or tuple of (List[List[str]], List[int])): List of tokenized and padded examples, or tuple of List of tokenized and padded examples and List of lengths of each example if self.include_lengths is True. device (str or torch.device): A string or instance of `torch.device` specifying which device the Variables are going to be created on. If left as default, the tensors will be created on cpu. Default: None. """ if self.include_lengths and not isinstance(arr, tuple): raise ValueError("Field has include_lengths set to True, but " "input data is not a tuple of " "(data batch, batch lengths).") if isinstance(arr, tuple): arr, lengths = arr lengths = torch.tensor(lengths, dtype=self.dtype, device=device) if self.use_vocab: if self.sequential: arr = [[self.vocab.stoi[x] for x in ex] for ex in arr] else: arr = [self.vocab.stoi[x] for x in arr] if self.postprocessing is not None: arr = self.postprocessing(arr, self.vocab) else: if self.dtype not in self.dtypes: raise ValueError( "Specified Field dtype {} can not be used with " "use_vocab=False because we do not know how to numericalize it. " "Please raise an issue at " "".format(self.dtype)) numericalization_func = self.dtypes[self.dtype] # It doesn't make sense to explicitly coerce to a numeric type if # the data is sequential, since it's unclear how to coerce padding tokens # to a numeric type. if not self.sequential: arr = [numericalization_func(x) if isinstance(x, six.string_types) else x for x in arr] if self.postprocessing is not None: arr = self.postprocessing(arr, None) var = torch.tensor(arr, dtype=self.dtype, device=device) if self.sequential and not self.batch_first: var.t_() if self.sequential: var = var.contiguous() if self.include_lengths: return var, lengths return var
[docs]class ReversibleField(Field):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('tokenize') is list: self.use_revtok = False else: self.use_revtok = True if kwargs.get('tokenize') is None: kwargs['tokenize'] = 'revtok' if 'unk_token' not in kwargs: kwargs['unk_token'] = ' UNK ' super(ReversibleField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def reverse(self, batch): if self.use_revtok: try: import revtok except ImportError: print("Please install revtok.") raise if not self.batch_first: batch = batch.t() with torch.cuda.device_of(batch): batch = batch.tolist() batch = [[self.vocab.itos[ind] for ind in ex] for ex in batch] # denumericalize def trim(s, t): sentence = [] for w in s: if w == t: break sentence.append(w) return sentence batch = [trim(ex, self.eos_token) for ex in batch] # trim past frst eos def filter_special(tok): return tok not in (self.init_token, self.pad_token) batch = [filter(filter_special, ex) for ex in batch] if self.use_revtok: return [revtok.detokenize(ex) for ex in batch] return [''.join(ex) for ex in batch]
[docs]class SubwordField(ReversibleField): vocab_cls = SubwordVocab
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['tokenize'] = 'subword' if 'unk_token' not in kwargs: kwargs['unk_token'] = '�' super(SubwordField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def segment(self, *args): """Segment one or more datasets with this subword field. Arguments: Positional arguments: Dataset objects or other indexable mutable sequences to segment. If a Dataset object is provided, all columns corresponding to this field are used; individual columns can also be provided directly. """ sources = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Dataset): sources += [getattr(arg, name) for name, field in arg.fields.items() if field is self] else: sources.append(arg) for data in sources: for x in tqdm(data, 'segmenting'): x[:] = self.vocab.segment(x)
[docs]class NestedField(Field): """A nested field. A nested field holds another field (called *nesting field*), accepts an untokenized string or a list string tokens and groups and treats them as one field as described by the nesting field. Every token will be preprocessed, padded, etc. in the manner specified by the nesting field. Note that this means a nested field always has ``sequential=True``. The two fields' vocabularies will be shared. Their numericalization results will be stacked into a single tensor. And NestedField will share the same include_lengths with nesting_field, so one shouldn't specify the include_lengths in the nesting_field. This field is primarily used to implement character embeddings. See ``tests/data/`` for examples on how to use this field. Arguments: nesting_field (Field): A field contained in this nested field. use_vocab (bool): Whether to use a Vocab object. If False, the data in this field should already be numerical. Default: ``True``. init_token (str): A token that will be prepended to every example using this field, or None for no initial token. Default: ``None``. eos_token (str): A token that will be appended to every example using this field, or None for no end-of-sentence token. Default: ``None``. fix_length (int): A fixed length that all examples using this field will be padded to, or ``None`` for flexible sequence lengths. Default: ``None``. dtype: The torch.dtype class that represents a batch of examples of this kind of data. Default: ``torch.long``. preprocessing (Pipeline): The Pipeline that will be applied to examples using this field after tokenizing but before numericalizing. Many Datasets replace this attribute with a custom preprocessor. Default: ``None``. postprocessing (Pipeline): A Pipeline that will be applied to examples using this field after numericalizing but before the numbers are turned into a Tensor. The pipeline function takes the batch as a list, and the field's Vocab. Default: ``None``. include_lengths: Whether to return a tuple of a padded minibatch and a list containing the lengths of each examples, or just a padded minibatch. Default: False. tokenize: The function used to tokenize strings using this field into sequential examples. If "spacy", the SpaCy tokenizer is used. If a non-serializable function is passed as an argument, the field will not be able to be serialized. Default: string.split. tokenizer_language: The language of the tokenizer to be constructed. Various languages currently supported only in SpaCy. pad_token (str): The string token used as padding. If ``nesting_field`` is sequential, this will be set to its ``pad_token``. Default: ``"<pad>"``. pad_first (bool): Do the padding of the sequence at the beginning. Default: ``False``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nesting_field, use_vocab=True, init_token=None, eos_token=None, fix_length=None, dtype=torch.long, preprocessing=None, postprocessing=None, tokenize=None, tokenizer_language='en', include_lengths=False, pad_token='<pad>', pad_first=False, truncate_first=False): if isinstance(nesting_field, NestedField): raise ValueError('nesting field must not be another NestedField') if nesting_field.include_lengths: raise ValueError('nesting field cannot have include_lengths=True') if nesting_field.sequential: pad_token = nesting_field.pad_token super(NestedField, self).__init__( use_vocab=use_vocab, init_token=init_token, eos_token=eos_token, fix_length=fix_length, dtype=dtype, preprocessing=preprocessing, postprocessing=postprocessing, lower=nesting_field.lower, tokenize=tokenize, tokenizer_language=tokenizer_language, batch_first=True, pad_token=pad_token, unk_token=nesting_field.unk_token, pad_first=pad_first, truncate_first=truncate_first, include_lengths=include_lengths ) self.nesting_field = nesting_field # in case the user forget to do that self.nesting_field.batch_first = True
[docs] def preprocess(self, xs): """Preprocess a single example. Firstly, tokenization and the supplied preprocessing pipeline is applied. Since this field is always sequential, the result is a list. Then, each element of the list is preprocessed using ``self.nesting_field.preprocess`` and the resulting list is returned. Arguments: xs (list or str): The input to preprocess. Returns: list: The preprocessed list. """ return [self.nesting_field.preprocess(x) for x in super(NestedField, self).preprocess(xs)]
[docs] def pad(self, minibatch): """Pad a batch of examples using this field. If ``self.nesting_field.sequential`` is ``False``, each example in the batch must be a list of string tokens, and pads them as if by a ``Field`` with ``sequential=True``. Otherwise, each example must be a list of list of tokens. Using ``self.nesting_field``, pads the list of tokens to ``self.nesting_field.fix_length`` if provided, or otherwise to the length of the longest list of tokens in the batch. Next, using this field, pads the result by filling short examples with ``self.nesting_field.pad_token``. Example: >>> import pprint >>> pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) >>> >>> nesting_field = Field(pad_token='<c>', init_token='<w>', eos_token='</w>') >>> field = NestedField(nesting_field, init_token='<s>', eos_token='</s>') >>> minibatch = [ ... [list('john'), list('loves'), list('mary')], ... [list('mary'), list('cries')], ... ] >>> padded = field.pad(minibatch) >>> pp.pprint(padded) [ [ ['<w>', '<s>', '</w>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>'], ['<w>', 'j', 'o', 'h', 'n', '</w>', '<c>'], ['<w>', 'l', 'o', 'v', 'e', 's', '</w>'], ['<w>', 'm', 'a', 'r', 'y', '</w>', '<c>'], ['<w>', '</s>', '</w>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>']], [ ['<w>', '<s>', '</w>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>'], ['<w>', 'm', 'a', 'r', 'y', '</w>', '<c>'], ['<w>', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'e', 's', '</w>'], ['<w>', '</s>', '</w>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>'], ['<c>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>', '<c>']]] Arguments: minibatch (list): Each element is a list of string if ``self.nesting_field.sequential`` is ``False``, a list of list of string otherwise. Returns: list: The padded minibatch. or (padded, sentence_lens, word_lengths) """ minibatch = list(minibatch) if not self.nesting_field.sequential: return super(NestedField, self).pad(minibatch) # Save values of attributes to be monkeypatched old_pad_token = self.pad_token old_init_token = self.init_token old_eos_token = self.eos_token old_fix_len = self.nesting_field.fix_length # Monkeypatch the attributes if self.nesting_field.fix_length is None: max_len = max(len(xs) for ex in minibatch for xs in ex) fix_len = max_len + 2 - (self.nesting_field.init_token, self.nesting_field.eos_token).count(None) self.nesting_field.fix_length = fix_len self.pad_token = [self.pad_token] * self.nesting_field.fix_length if self.init_token is not None: # self.init_token = self.nesting_field.pad([[self.init_token]])[0] self.init_token = [self.init_token] if self.eos_token is not None: # self.eos_token = self.nesting_field.pad([[self.eos_token]])[0] self.eos_token = [self.eos_token] # Do padding old_include_lengths = self.include_lengths self.include_lengths = True self.nesting_field.include_lengths = True padded, sentence_lengths = super(NestedField, self).pad(minibatch) padded_with_lengths = [self.nesting_field.pad(ex) for ex in padded] word_lengths = [] final_padded = [] max_sen_len = len(padded[0]) for (pad, lens), sentence_len in zip(padded_with_lengths, sentence_lengths): if sentence_len == max_sen_len: lens = lens pad = pad elif self.pad_first: lens[:(max_sen_len - sentence_len)] = ( [0] * (max_sen_len - sentence_len)) pad[:(max_sen_len - sentence_len)] = ( [self.pad_token] * (max_sen_len - sentence_len)) else: lens[-(max_sen_len - sentence_len):] = ( [0] * (max_sen_len - sentence_len)) pad[-(max_sen_len - sentence_len):] = ( [self.pad_token] * (max_sen_len - sentence_len)) word_lengths.append(lens) final_padded.append(pad) padded = final_padded # Restore monkeypatched attributes self.nesting_field.fix_length = old_fix_len self.pad_token = old_pad_token self.init_token = old_init_token self.eos_token = old_eos_token self.include_lengths = old_include_lengths if self.include_lengths: return padded, sentence_lengths, word_lengths return padded
[docs] def build_vocab(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct the Vocab object for nesting field and combine it with this field's vocab. Arguments: Positional arguments: Dataset objects or other iterable data sources from which to construct the Vocab object that represents the set of possible values for the nesting field. If a Dataset object is provided, all columns corresponding to this field are used; individual columns can also be provided directly. Remaining keyword arguments: Passed to the constructor of Vocab. """ sources = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Dataset): sources.extend( [getattr(arg, name) for name, field in arg.fields.items() if field is self] ) else: sources.append(arg) flattened = [] for source in sources: flattened.extend(source) old_vectors = None old_unk_init = None old_vectors_cache = None if "vectors" in kwargs.keys(): old_vectors = kwargs["vectors"] kwargs["vectors"] = None if "unk_init" in kwargs.keys(): old_unk_init = kwargs["unk_init"] kwargs["unk_init"] = None if "vectors_cache" in kwargs.keys(): old_vectors_cache = kwargs["vectors_cache"] kwargs["vectors_cache"] = None # just build vocab and does not load vector self.nesting_field.build_vocab(*flattened, **kwargs) super(NestedField, self).build_vocab() self.vocab.extend(self.nesting_field.vocab) self.vocab.freqs = self.nesting_field.vocab.freqs.copy() if old_vectors is not None: self.vocab.load_vectors(old_vectors, unk_init=old_unk_init, cache=old_vectors_cache) self.nesting_field.vocab = self.vocab
[docs] def numericalize(self, arrs, device=None): """Convert a padded minibatch into a variable tensor. Each item in the minibatch will be numericalized independently and the resulting tensors will be stacked at the first dimension. Arguments: arr (List[List[str]]): List of tokenized and padded examples. device (str or torch.device): A string or instance of `torch.device` specifying which device the Variables are going to be created on. If left as default, the tensors will be created on cpu. Default: None. """ numericalized = [] self.nesting_field.include_lengths = False if self.include_lengths: arrs, sentence_lengths, word_lengths = arrs for arr in arrs: numericalized_ex = self.nesting_field.numericalize( arr, device=device) numericalized.append(numericalized_ex) padded_batch = torch.stack(numericalized) self.nesting_field.include_lengths = True if self.include_lengths: sentence_lengths = \ torch.tensor(sentence_lengths, dtype=self.dtype, device=device) word_lengths = torch.tensor(word_lengths, dtype=self.dtype, device=device) return (padded_batch, sentence_lengths, word_lengths) return padded_batch
class LabelField(Field): """A Label field. A label field is a shallow wrapper around a standard field designed to hold labels for a classification task. Its only use is to set the unk_token and sequential to `None` by default. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # whichever value is set for sequential, unk_token, and is_target # will be overwritten kwargs['sequential'] = False kwargs['unk_token'] = None kwargs['is_target'] = True super(LabelField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
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